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If you are interested in more I would like to welcome you to my instagram.
Here you can find different works and tests.
Feel free to DM me, I’m always open for collaborations!

A little about me:

My name is Maryam de Vries, I am an installation maker. I've always been a noisy and stubborn child, fueled by a desire to explore everything. The captivating world of films and animation propelled me toward the realm of immersive video art installations. Guided by my Indonesian mother, I've learned the value of walking in another's shoes—a quality I've discovered to be rare yet essential. It's this perspective that I endeavor to embed within my work, offering audiences a fresh lens through which to perceive the world, to care for it and those who inhabit it. Collaboration is at the heart of my creative process, as I constantly seek new projects beyond my curriculum. I've collaborated with individuals from diverse backgrounds, including the conservatorium, fine arts, and animation. Proficient in a range of tools including Premiere Pro, After Effects, and TouchDesigner, I continue to carve my path in immersive video art, dedicated to reshaping perceptions and unraveling the intricacies of the human experience.